Fiona's Eye Fund
Help us restore eyesight
Thousands of people in developing countries suffer from cataract blindness but have very little access to eye care. Fiona's Eye Fund enables UK doctors and nurses to spend time in these countries performing sight restoring cataract operations.

Cataract camps in Ethiopia
In countries such as Ethiopia, cataract blindness affects thousands of people of all ages. In rural areas there is very little access to eye care. We fund teams of eye doctors and nurses to travel to Ethiopia for a week once a year to set up an eye camp in a rural area and perform cataract operations.

Clinics on border of Myanmar/Thailand
On the border between Myanmar and Thailand live thousands of refugees. Ongoing attacks by the Myanmar army have driven many from their homes and they have no access to eyecare. For over 25 years the charity Karenaid provided eyecare in clinics on the Thai/Myanmar border. Now Fiona's Eye Fund has undertaken to continue this work.
Outreach work in Nepal
Millions of people who live in remote rural areas of Nepal do not have access to adequate healthcare. Organised by Dhulikel hospital and funded by Ridley Eye Foundation, outreach eye surgical camps are held in remote locations. By providing eye care in these locations, it is feasible to stop vision loss and blindness. Fiona's Eye Fund has funded 2 doctors and 2 nurses from Scotland to travel to one of these camps and perform cataract operations.